Group Meetings with Andrew

Santa Cruz Meeting Details HERE

San Jose Meeting Details HERE

Santa Cruz Meeting Audios:

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Most of these recordings start with a 5-10 minute meditation, which have been shortened (silence reduced) for these audios.
The first two recordings are a bit rough, but we figured it out nicely by the third.
Most are 90 minutes.

Enjoy! These are free. If you would like any mailed to you on 2 CDs, see the bottom of this page.

#1 December 2012 Gathering, Santa Cruz Group     (1.5 Hours)

Part 1                       Part 2   

Christmas gathering, we covers the last section in the text "Choose Once Again."
The Triad of "I am not a body, I am free, I am as God created me" is explored as the journey of ACIM.

#2 Live in Trust Trust and how applies to happiness. 12-27-12

#3 T16-II-4 The Power of Holiness and The Part and the Whole 01-03-2012.mp3

#4 T16-II-5 The Power of Holiness and What is Reality 01-10-2012.mp3

#5 T16-II-6 Selflessness, True Happiness, the Dream.mp3

#6 What is Error, Divine Justice, the Miracle 02-07-13.mp3

#7 Relationships-T16-IV-02-14-13.mp3

#8 What-is-Sharing-T16-II-7-02-21-2013.mp3

#9 What-is-Change--Change-2-What--T16-II-7+8--02-28-13.mp3

#10 T16-III-1_You_are_teaching_always-Is_Peace_boring-03-07-2013.mp3

#11 T16-III-2_on_03-14-2013.mp3 (no meditation, but some good basics)

#12 Found_a_Gun_at_Meeting_and_Thank_You_03-21-13.mp3

#13 Review_L1-23_What_is_Evil_and_Cancer_vs_Chocolate_03-28-13.mp3

#14 What_is_Witness_and_HS_use_of_Memory-T28-I_04-04-13.mp3

#15 T16-III-3_What_is_Conviction-Practice_what_you_preach-04-11-2013.mp3

#16 T16-III-4_What_Are_You.mp3

#17 T16-III-5+6_Forgiveness_Prep+Having-Is-Being_04-25-13.mp3

#18 T16-III-7-9_Bridge_to_Truth--Tough_Love.mp3

#19 T16-IV-1_The Illusion_and_Reality_of_Love-and-What_is_Hate_05-09-13.mp3

#20 T16-IV-2_Symbols_of_Love-Enlightenment_via_Ice_Cream_or_Cave-B_Ready2Meet_God-05-16-13.mp3

#21 T16-IV-3_What_is_Safety--ACIM_on_Karma--Cure_4_Loneliness--05-23-13.mp3

#22 T16-IV-4_Toughest_Teaching_on_Special_Relationships-and-Male-vs-Female-05-30-13.mp3

#23 T16-IV-5_False_vs_True_Love--Wrong_Thinking_Right_Thinking_One_Mind--Can_I_B_Happy.mp3 06-06-2013

#24 T16-IV-6+7_Release_the_Illusion_of_Love--There_Must_Be_A_Better_Way--06-13-13.mp3

#25 T16-IV-8--Your_Creations_Complete_You--Get_Enlightenment_at_Trader_Joes--06-20-13.mp3

#26 T16-IV-9+10--What_is_Fantasy--The_Illusion_of_Love_Dissolves--06-27-13.mp3

#27 T16-IV-11+12--What_Is_Freedom--The_Cost_of_the_Course--07-04-13.mp3

#28 T16-IV-13--Feel_Eternity--Being_Gods_Completion--The_Trillion$_Question--07-11-13


#29 T16-V-1--Suffering_is_Optional--Ego_Buys_Love_With_Guilt--Must_I_Stay--07-18-13.mp3

#30 T16-V-2+3--Get_vs_Receive--How_To_Descalate_Special_Hate--07-25-13.mp3

#31 T16-V-4+5--What_Is_Separation--I_Am-Responsible--08-01-13

#32 T16-V-6+7+8--Centering_Meditation--Egos_Union_is_Hell--Carbon_Enlightenment--08-08-13.mp3

Order CD's Here

$15 each, free shipping in the USA (Intn'l will be quoted.)

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