Tech Help for Mac Users

(newer versions of the audios in the "audiobook format M4b" solved the Mac issues)

Successful Download and iTunes use after getting older version of StuffIt

from User "Sam":

...OK, I am up and running. For some reason the first day I tried to go to the links you provided they would not open -
nothing at would open ... must have been them.

The latest version of Expander was not compatible with my older OS X 10.4.11 software, but if you go through the prompts at the sight for free download (even though it says OS X 10.5 or higher) eventually they offer and older version of Expander for OS X 10.3 which did download. Then the teenager at the mac store helped with the several steps that followed. I'll share in case there are other mac owners who aren't techy swift with their software and don't have access to a mac savvy youth :)

1. HIt ctrl and click the chapter you want to open from
spiritualear's page and select "download as" - this creates an icon
with the title T01.sitx.txt (for text chapter 1) - the Expander
doesn't recognize this title so change the title to T01.sitx (take
off the .txt) a pop up comes and you select "use .sitx"

2. Click to open new icon titled T01.sitx and the Expander kicks in
and creates a readable folder also titled T01.sitx I also get an
error message about the process being unsupported - click ok

3. Open folder, the sections of the chapter appear - select all
(highlight all)

4. Open itunes, and if you want, create a playlist for acim ch1 and
then click on mac "finder" icon - it will pull the opened folder up
on top of itunes and then you drag everything into playlist. Do this
for every chapter.


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