ACIM Part III: Manual for Teachers

Spiritual Ear Audio has completed the fresh new recording of A Course In Miracles 3rd Edition Part III: Manual for Teachers which includes the Clarification of Terms. Running time is 4 hours, 7 minutes on four CD's or MP3. This 2011 unabridged recording is narrated for you by Andrew Allansmith, a professional narrator with over 18 years as an ACIM student and teacher. This recording is done with permission from the publisher and copyright holder of A Course In Miracles. Hear a sample below. Available in 4-CD's, retail packaged for $29 or MP3 download for $17 here.

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Manual Box Set


Track List:

Disc 1
1. 701 MANUAL FOR TEACHERS -- Introduction
2. 702 M1 Who are God's Teachers
3. 703 M2 Who are Their Pupils
4. 704 M3 What are the Levels of Teaching
5. 705 M4 What Are The Characteristics of God's Teachers
6. 706 M4-I Trust
7. 707 M4-II Honesty
8. 708 M4-III Tolerance
9. 709 M4-IV Gentleness
10. 710 M4-V Joy
11. 711 M4-VI Defenselessness
12. 712 M4-VII Generosity
13. 713 M4-VIII Patience
14. 714 M4-IX Faithfulness
15. 715 M4-X Open-Mindedness
16. 716 M5 How is Healing Accomplished-intro
17. 717 M5-I The Perceived Purpose of Sickness
18. 718 M5-II The Shift in Perception
19. 719 M5-III The Function of the Teachers of God
20. 720 M6 Is Healing Certain
21. 721 M7 Should Healing Be Repeated
Disc 2
1. 722 M8 How Can Perception of Orders of Difficulties Be Avoided
2. 723 M9 Are Changes Required in the Life Situations of God's Teachers
3. 724 M10 How Is Judgment Relinquished
4. 725 M11 How Is Peace Possible In This World
5. 726 M12 How Many Teachers Of God Are Needed To Save The World
6. 727 M13 What is the Real Meaning of Sacrifice
7. 728 How Will the World End
8. 729 Is Each One To Be Judged In The End
9. 730 How Should The Teacher Of God Spend His Day
10. 731 How Do God's Teachers Deal With Magic Thoughts
11. 732 How Is Correction Made
Disc 3
1. 733 M19 What Is Justice
2. 734 M20 What Is The Peace Of God
3. 735 M21 What Is The Role Of Words In Healing
4. 736 M22 How Are Healing And Atonement Related
5. 737 M23 Does Jesus Have A Special Place In Healing
6. 738 M24 Is Reincarnation So
7. 739 M25 Are Psychic Powers Desirable
8. 740 M26 Can God Be Reached Directly
9. 741 M27 What Is Death
10. 742 M28 What Is The Ressurection
11. 743 M29 As For The Rest.wav
Disc 4
1. 744 CLARIFICATION OF TERMS-Introduction
2. 745 C1 Mind--Spirit
3. 746 C2 The Ego--The Miracle
4. 747 C3 Forgiveness--The Face of Christ
5. 748 C4 True Perception--Knowledge
6. 749 C5 Jesus--Christ
7. 750 C6 The Holy Spirit
8. 751 Epilogue

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Note: The only changes made from the book in this recording are to make listening more effective by inserting the word TRUE where words such as Self are capitalized and sometimes the inferred proper noun from the page is used to clarify successive pronouns such as "it," "he," and "him." Harp music indicates indented and italicized phrases. More on this.

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